Online activation
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titleOnline activation

tbl2cad Online activation

  1. The Online activation requires an internet connection. Make sure you have the Internet access

  2. Configure (check) the Windows Firewall to allow Microsoft Excel, before the online activation starts.

    Run the Control Panel and select Windows Firewall

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  3. Select the Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall item

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  4. - Click on the Change Settings button
    - Find the Microsoft Office Excel item and check it
    - Finally, click OK to confirm the settings

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  5. Run Microsoft Excel, expand the tbl2cad item from the Add-ins tab and select the About the tbl2cad add-in

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  6. You will see a panel "About the tbl2cad add-in", where you can activate your license..

    To activate online, fill the following fields:

    1 - License number of your license
    2 - Your name
    3 - Your company name (if applicable)
    4 - Street and number
    5 - Postal code and city
    6 - Country
    7 - Your email
    8 - Your phone

    Then to perform activation olnine click the Activate Online button

    Note: The item no.11 (Activation ID) is for the offline activation only.

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  7. If you are not logged on as an administrator, you will be asked to enter your administrator password
    This enables the online communication, required for the successful online activation.


  8. Finally the message about successful activation is displayed.
    Ciclk to the OK button

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  9. The tbl2cad add-in has been sucesfully installed
    Click to the OK button and you can use the full version of the tbl2cad add-in on your computer

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